Leon Nockolds
Video Editor / Digital Designer / Web Developer
Planet Earth III
I worked on the Planet Earth III launch campaign which involved creating, editing and re-versioning trailers. I edited the teaser trailer as well as doing the sound design.
The teaser trailer.
30 second cutdown trailer.
Sound design for Ibex Goats clip.
Lucas & Walliams
I worked extensively on the launch of the Lucas & Walliams YouTube channel. This involed clipping episodes, encoding and editing single clip and compilation videos for social media platforms, and creating thumbnails. I designed the thumbnail template for the channel.
Some thumbnail examples, using impactful headline text.
Live at the Apollo
Episode clipping and editing compilation videos for social media platforms along with creating tumbnails.
I helped with the creation of the tumbnail template.
Baby Cow
Episode clipping and editing Baby Cow videos for social media platforms along with creating tumbnails.
Some thumbnail examples.
Doctor Who
Episode clipping and editing compilations for the Doctor Who social media platforms. Editing 15 second frontals for YouTube compilations.